Can You Make Money In Forex Without Leverage?

The image promotes making money without leverage in trading with the message "Make Money Without Leverage!" and references to "SURESHOTFX." It features a stock market chart, icons, and a clear call-to-action for a safer investment approach.

Leverage has both pros and cons, but can you really make a profit in Forex trading without it? Is Forex trading without leverage possible?

Leverage is one of the core attractions for Forex traders to enter the market. Traders like to gain knowledge on the best leverage to use for trading Forex. It is indeed a crucial part of forex traders, especially for beginners.

Many financial institutes are trading Foreign currency online without it but what are the pros and cons behind it? Let’s find out.

What is Leverage in Forex?

The image depicts the concept of leverage in finance using a seesaw with "Actual Balance" and "Actual Balance With Leverage," illustrating the impact of leverage on investment funds and mentioning "BROKER" and "SURE-SHOTFX.

In simple terms, leverage is the amount you take from your foreign currency broker as a loan. It allows traders to invest more than their actual balance and increases the chances of their potential win in the market. The Forex leverage ratio of your capital and the loan is leverage. Brokers usually offer leverage from 1:10.

Let’s assume you’ve a $1000 trading account and you took leverage of 1:100 from your broker. With leverage, you can open a position of $100,000 ($1000*100).

Advantages of Forex Trading Without Leverage

1. You Can Minimize Risks

There are many investors and traders who like to trade with their trading account balance and prefer not to use leverage. The main reason behind this is the risk you need to take with it.

Leverage gives you a chance to make more profits from the market but it also comes with a risk of losing. If you make a small mistake in trading, you have a huge chance to wipe your account.

2. Zero Psychological Hassle

As you’re not using any leverage, you have less pressure on your shoulders. You can focus more on your strategies and trade calmly.

Disadvantages of Forex Trading Without Leverage

1. Less Monthly Return

By using leverage you can make 3-5% average profit a month. But if you trade without any leverage, you can make only 0.3 to 0.5% a month. It is perfect for those whose account balance is very large But it can be a drawback for many traders as well.

2. Less Broker Option

Most brokers don’t allow you to trade without leverage. They provide a minimum of 1:33 leverage. You can search for high-leverage Forex brokers who offer leverage of 1:1.

3. High Account Balance

To do forex trading without leverage, you need to have a large account balance. But for most beginner forex traders, it is impossible to trade with large amounts of FX money.

4. Low Purchase Power

If you have a small account like $1000, you can open only 1-2 positions without leverage. It minimizes your chances to try different trading strategies and make profits from the market.

The Verdict: To Use Leverage or Not

Alright everyone, here comes the million-dollar question: should you use leverage or not? Well, it totally depends on you and yes, there’s no one size fits all answer. Alright, let us spill the process for you.

First up, is your risk tolerance. How much are you willing to take risk? If you like to keep the game safe, trading without leverage might be your way to go. But, if you are the polar opposite and don’t mind taking more levels of risk for a bigger amount of profit, leveraging is your jam. Simple heads up, more risk equals more profit and/or more loss.

Moving on to your account balance. If you have a nice and big trading account with loads of cash, you may not need a portion of leverage as much since you already have a decent amount of money to go with. For small account holders, a little leverage can help you open up bigger positions and potentially more money.

And finally, what are your trading goals? Are you up for the long haul, looking to make consistent profits over time or are you more interested in hitting some hot deals and making tons of money in a jiffy? Well, if it’s the first one, trading without leverage might be the smart move, but if it’s the second one, leveraging up could give you the boost you need, (just remember, it also comes with bigger risks).

You and the situation are the only ones who can really decide if you should use leverage or not. But here’s the important thing: no matter what you decide, make sure you learn enough first. Take the time to learn about risk management practice with a demo account to get used to the process before you start.

Trading Strategies for Non-Leveraged Accounts

Okay, let’s say you choose to go for the non-leveraged route for now. And we know what you may be thinking, “How am I supposed to make money without leverage?” Well, never fear. There are some strategies you can use to help you profit even without that leverage boost.

Well, let’s start the strategies with scalping. This is where you take a bunch of small profits throughout the day by opening and closing positions really quickly. Without leverage, you may not be able to make huge profits on each trade, but with all those small trades you can really add up over time.

Another strategy you can go for is swing trading. This is where you hold onto your positions for a few days or even weeks, trying to catch those bigger price movements. It needs a bit of your patience, but without the risk of leverage, you don’t need to stress as much about getting stopped.

Whatever strategy you go for, the key when trading without leverage is discipline and patience. And the bitter truth is you aren’t going to get rich overnight without the leverage boost. But, the catch is, if you stick to your trading plan and let those small wins compound over time, you can end up doing much much better than those with the leveraged ones.


Well, let’s have a quick review of the whole article. Forex Leverage is a powerful tool but it comes with bigger risks. And trading without leverage minimizes your risks but it also limits your profit potential. And it’s totally up to you and your trading plans to decide whether to go for leverage or not.

Well if you make up your plan to not go for leverage be patient and disciplined in your trading. And keep learning and developing your skills as a trader. Eventually, protecting your capital should be your top priority. Happy Trading!

Green background Cover Photo with characters and a text FAQ


Can you make money in forex without leverage?

Yes, anyone can make money in Forex without leverage. It minimizes trading risk and maintains good control of currency changes.

How does trading without leverage work?

It is great if you trade without leverage. It reduces the risk of losing your initial investment and increases the chances of making more profit.

What are the advantages of trading without leverage?

There are several advantages of trading without leverage-

Minimize risk
Zero Psychological Hassle
Less volatility
Fewer margin requirements

Is it a must to use leverage in forex?

Leverage allows traders to make more profits from the forex market. It reduces the overall risk of loss. So if you are a newbie trader, you can use leverage. But try to use low leverage.

Should beginners use leverage?

At the beginning stage of Forex trading, using leverage for trading is not a wise decision. As a beginner, you should start trading with a leverage of 1:10 or less.

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